Simplify K-5 Foundational Skills Instruction
Harness the power of the Science of Reading with Foundations A-Z and accelerate student literacy outcomes!
Foundations A-Z is the essential K-5 solution designed to simplify teachers’ planning and delivery of Science of Reading-aligned foundational skills instruction to complement any core literacy curriculum.
Clearly modeled lessons with explicit instruction
Diverse, systematic practice opportunities
Resources for the whole class, small groups, and independent practice

Support Parents, teachers and Kids with Foundations A-Z

Explore the Research Behind Foundations A-Z
According to 2020 data from the AFT (American Federation of Teachers), researchers now estimate that 95% of students can be taught to read by the end of 1st grade! To achieve this result, it is important to implement explicit, systematic instruction, as research has shown that more than 50% of students require it to read proficiently.
Foundations A-Z is the perfect solution to help you transition to and implement this instructional approach. Acting as a complete foundational skills solution, Foundations A-Z follows a systematic, cumulative scope and sequence while perfectly aligning with Science of Reading research.
Fascinate Learners.
Build Skilled Readers.
Small Group Instruction
Independent Reading
Learning Stations
Built on the Science of Reading, Foundations A-Z delivers an explicit, research-based, K-5 foundational skills solution that integrates:
- Systematic, explicit instruction
- Clearly modeled lessons
- Embedded professional development
- Engaging skill-building opportunities
This method empowers teachers and engages students on their literacy journey.
Learning A-Z helps teachers foster social-emotional learning with thoughtful, culturally responsive resources. We deliver literacy resources that align with current best practices for research-based instruction. Our products allow teachers to blend instruction using varied resource platforms and tools.
Foundations A-Z makes learning fun with multisensory learning adventures.
These include rich, diverse resources featuring multisensory interactive games and digital books that help students learn while having fun. The fun cast of space characters accompanies students on their learning journey as they complete quests and earn rewards through the online and mobile student portal!
Learning A-Z provides a variety of live and on-demand professional learning options. To get started, we recommend viewing our recorded webinars and/or micro-learning videos. You can also sign up for our weekly live webinars, which highlight our various resources and provide on-the-spot opportunities to have your questions answered. You may also purchase professional learning and curriculum services that we tailor to meet your needs.
Subscriptions include one year of access to the purchased product(s) for up to 36 students per classroom, a dedicated support team available by chat, and complimentary webinars, videos, and guides to help you get started.